The Eagle Nebula is perhaps the most famous nebula in the night sky. Made famous by Hubble’s stunning image of the pillars of creation, the Eagle nebula is one of the most interesting nebulae for astronomers to study.

- Nikon D90 (Astro-Mod)
- Sky-Watcher Star Adventurer
- Sky-Watcher Tripod
- AF-S NIKKOR 500mm f/5.6
- Bahintov Mask
- Intervalometer
- Laptop
- All Sky Plate Solver
- Sharpcap
- Stellarium
- ISO 800
- f/5.6
- Bortle 2-4
- Taken on 7/11, 12, 13 in 2021
- 732 light frames x 1 minute (taken across three nights)
- 500 bias frames
- 50 dark frames per night (150 total)
- 100 flat frames per night (300 total)
- Manually stacked in pixinsight
- Crop to remove stacking artifacts
- Deconvolution
- EZ Denoise
- Soft Histogram stretch
- Starnet
- Masked Stretch
- Add stars back
- Curves transformation
- HDR multiscale transform
- Local Histogram Equalization
Annotated Image: