This remarkable spiral galaxy, known as NGC 4651, may look serene and peaceful as it swirls in the vast, silent emptiness of space, but don’t be fooled — it keeps a violent secret. It is believed that this galaxy consumed another smaller galaxy to become the large and beautiful spiral that we observe today.

All data was taken from Hubble’s Advanced Camera for Surveys from the following proposal:
Red: hst_12282_01_acs_wfc_f814w
Green: hst_12282_01_acs_wfc_f814w, hst_12282_01_acs_wfc_f555w
Blue: hst_12282_01_acs_wfc_f555w
- Create Superlum by averaging both channels
- Deconvolute lum
- Denoise lum
- RGB combine
- Color calibration
- ArcsinH stretch RGB
- Masked stretch and histogram stretch luminance
- LRGB combination
- Photoshop to remove hot pixels
- Curves transformation
- MMT and curves
- Atrous wavelets and MMT
- Local histogram eqaulization
- MMT chrominance denoise
- unsharp mask