Update 9/7/2021: This image has been chosen as and APOD by NASA! You can view their write-up here: https://apod.nasa.gov/apod/ap210907.html.
This galaxy is just so bizarre that I had to process it! NGC 520 is the product of a collision between two disc galaxies that started 300 million years ago. It exemplifies the middle stages of the merging process: the discs of the parent galaxies have merged together, but the nuclei have not yet coalesced. It features an odd-looking tail of stars and a prominent dust lane that runs diagonally across the centre of the image and obscures the galaxy.

Processing details:
Data was taken by Hubble’s Advanced Camera for Surveys (ACS) from the following proposal: https://archive.stsci.edu/proposal_search.php?mission=hst&id=9735
Red: hst_9735_11_acs_wfc_f814w
Green: hst_9735_11_acs_wfc_f555w
Blue: hst_9735_11_acs_wfc_f435w
- Crop
- Histogram transformation to clip bad data
- Combine Channels
- Color calibration
- ArcsinH stretch for RGB
- Masked stretch and histogram transformation for L
- LRGB combination
- In photoshop, get rid of charge bleeds, hot pixels, and artifacts
- Curves transformation
- Multiscale processing using Curves, MMT, HDRMT, and Atrous wavelets transform
- Histogram transformation
- Curves transformation
- Saturation adjustment