This data from telescope live was pleasantly challenging to process! While the individual filaments hade high SNR, the background and fainter details were not, so figuring out a noise reduction technique that preserved the small detail but smoothed the background was a fun challenge. There are a couple of features in this image that I haven’t noticed before that I did my best to show off:

First, there appear to be Oiii-Ha diffuse shock fronts above and below the actual pencil nebula. Additionally, there is a very faint Oiii arc to the right of pencil nebula, which will probably require a ton more integration time to make sense of.

Next, there is this strange little nebula which I haven’t seen imaged before. While it’s definitely not a new discovery or anything cool like that, I don’t think it’s been imaged much because it’s so close to the much cooler pencil nebula. In the future, It would probably be super cool to image this a lot more deeply, especially because I would guess that there s a lot of IFN in this region.
This supernova shock wave plows through interstellar space at over 500,000 kilometers per hour. Near the middle and moving up in this sharply detailed color composite, thin, bright, braided filaments are actually long ripples in a cosmic sheet of glowing gas seen almost edge-on. Cataloged as NGC 2736, its elongated appearance suggests its popular name, the Pencil Nebula. The Pencil Nebula is about 5 light-years long and 800 light-years away, but represents only a small part of the Vela supernova remnant. The Vela remnant itself is around 100 light-years in diameter, the expanding debris cloud of a star that was seen to explode about 11,000 years ago. Initially, the shock wave was moving at millions of kilometers per hour but has slowed considerably, sweeping up surrounding interstellar material. In the featured narrow-band, wide field image, red and blue colors track, primarily, the characteristic glows of ionized hydrogen and oxygen atoms, respectively.

Full PNG available for download here:
Telescope: Takahashi FSQ-106ED
Camera: FLI PL16083
Filters: Astrodon Ha, Oiii
Location: Heaven's Mirror Observatory, Yass, NSW 2582, Australia
Date of Observations: 2021/12/1, 2021/12/15, 2021/12/24, 2021/12/26, 2022/01/13, 2022/01/15, 2022/01/20, 2022/01/22, 2022/02/11, 2022/02/12, 2022/02/14, 2022/02/17, 2022/03/11, 2022/03/21, 2024/04/03, 2024/04/10
Ha: 48 x 600s (8h)
OIII: 48 x 600s (8h)
Processing: Pixinsight
Credits: Data: Telescope Live; Processing: William Ostling
Image Preparation
- Images were cosmetic corrected for hot pixels
- The subframes were weighted, registered, normalized, integrated, and drizzled in WBPP
- The Ha and Oiii channels were cropped platesolved
Linear Processing
- Ha and Oiii were deconvoluted
- Ha and Oiii were made starless with starnet 2
- Noise reduction was performed using deepsnr and an iterative MMT process
- Ha and Oiii were combined to HOO
- a synth RGB was created and the stars were extracted
Non-Linear Processing
- HOO was stretched using HT and exponential transform
- HDR was preformed using MMT
- Saturation and Color adjustments using curves
- Contrast adjustment with Curves and LHE
- RGB stars were stretched and added
46 thoughts on “The Pencil Nebula in the Vela SNR – A Widefield Astrograph”
This is a solid resource for anyone on this topic.
I found this post to be extremely helpful, thank you!
This answered a lot of questions I had—thanks!
I love how you made this so easy to follow.
You’ve done an amazing job with this post—thank you.
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Your post really breaks this down in an easy-to-understand way.
I really enjoyed how straightforward this post was.
Thanks for explaining this in such simple terms!
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Your writing is always so clear and helpful—thank you.
This post is full of helpful tips and insights—great work.
I really appreciate the way you explained this.
I’ll definitely be sharing this with my colleagues.
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I appreciate the fresh perspective you brought to this topic.
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This is such a well-rounded post, thanks for the insights!
What a great story! I’m so glad you shared it. The data you supplied was both practical and simple to grasp. Your ability to simplify otherwise difficult ideas is much appreciated. Anyone interested in learning more about this subject would benefit greatly from reading this.
You’ve put this together so well, it’s a fantastic read.
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Thank you for this insightful article. The way you presented the information made it easy to understand and apply. I appreciate the effort you put into researching and writing this. It’s a great resource for anyone looking to learn more about this subject.
I really enjoyed reading this post. Your clear and concise writing style makes complex topics easy to understand. The depth of your analysis is impressive, and the practical tips you provided are very helpful. Thank you for taking the time to write this.
Excellent piece! Your analysis is insightful, and the material is well-organized and simple to grasp. Your study and writing of this are greatly appreciated. For those curious about this subject, it’s an excellent resource.
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Excellent piece! Your analysis is insightful, and the material is well-organized and simple to grasp. Your study and writing of this are greatly appreciated. For those curious about this subject, it’s an excellent resource.
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Thank you for this insightful and well-researched post. Your clear explanations and practical examples make it easy to understand and apply the concepts. I appreciate the effort you put into providing such detailed information. This is a great resource for anyone looking to learn more about this subject.
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This is a well-written and informative article. Your clear explanations and practical examples make it easy to understand and apply the concepts. I appreciate the time and effort you put into providing such thorough information. Thank you for sharing your expertise.
Excellent piece! Your analysis is insightful, and the material is well-organized and simple to grasp. Your study and writing of this are greatly appreciated. For those curious about this subject, it’s an excellent resource.
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