Astronomy is one of the oldest existing sciences, started when humans first looked at the night sky. The study of the sky is split into two main parts, observational astronomy and theoretical astronomy. Observational astronomy deals with the study of electromagnetic radiation from space. This simply means taking photos of the sky and then analyzing these photos. Theoretical astronomy uses tools of physics and chemistry to create analytical models. This branch tries to explain why things happen.
How do these branches work together?
The two branches complement and support each other with their results. Observational astronomy verifies predictions made by theoretical astronomy. Observational astronomy also observes new and interesting events. Theoretical astronomy explains events seen in observational astronomy.
One recent example of this is the dimming of Betelgeuse. First, Observational astronomers noticed that the red giant Betelgeuse was brightening and dimming rapidly. Then, theoretical astronomers came up with the theory that a gas cloud was causing the star to behave so strangely. Together, these two branches were able to find a strange occurrences, and the explain it.

Which study is better?
Both fields are extremely important! Without observational astrophysics, we would not be able to know what was happening in the universe. Without theoretical astrophysics, we would not be able to understand why events happen in the universe. Most great theories come out of both theoretical and observational astrophysics!
For example, Einstein theorized that gravity could bend light. A couple of years later, astronomers were about to prove that theory right by looking at a solar eclipse.

Which study is more interesting?
This is a matter of personal opinion. If you are the type of person who likes to know exactly how and why something happens, then theoretical astronomy will appeal to you.

If you like to discover new objects and beautiful sights, then you will most likely have more interest in observational astronomy. Observational astronomers take all of the photos of beautiful galaxies and nebula. Below you can see some of the most beautiful images taken by Hubble.
Do you have a preference for observational or theoretical astronomy? Let me know in the comments below!
2 thoughts on “Theoretical Vs. Observational Astronomy”
i just love viewing the night sky and take photos of the stars
Interesting post! Thanks